Racing goals

Run faster and longer. That’s simple right? I think this year is going to shape up similar to last year, racing-wise. A bunch of 5K’s and 10K’s earlier in the summer then longer and longer runs toward fall for the longer races.

Trails and more trails are a goal. Get off the road and back onto dirt running through the woods. It’s good for you, strengthens you in ways you don’t get on the road. And it’s just fun. And the softer, uneven surface should help me kick the last of this occasional IT band/hip issues crap to the curb. In the past, trails were the only place you’d find me running.

I have this idea that I can drop 30 seconds off my 5k time and a serious, stretch goal would be taking a minute off. That’s a big chunk of time for a 5k, but I also know I’m running about 4 minutes slower than I did in high school. So there’s the knowledge of my capability hidden in the back of my mind. Dropping a minute should be possible if I work at it. That’s a lot of lung-busting speedwork.

I have less experience with the longer races. Even if I don’t get that stretch 5k time, I should be able to take the training and get some really good times out of my 10K’s and 10 milers. I’m really starting to look forward to some racing this year.

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